On Science & Children

A poem

Megan Minutillo
1 min readFeb 16, 2024
Photo by stem.T4L on UnsplashOn Science & Children

Scientists warn we are much closer to missing the key 1.5C climate target than previously thought
and still
we’re going to argue about why we should focus on taking care of our oceans,
and our forests,
and our farms,

And still,
we’re going to find a way to yell about how we should drive less,
and fly less,
and find a way to burn less oil,
and use less gas
and eat less meat,
and save more water;

15,000 scientists warn society could collapse by 2100 due to climate change,
and still, we’re gonna twist saving our planet
and one another
into something that’s about sides,
into something that’s about us vs them,
into something about elites and real folks,
and yet imagine the good that could happen if, instead, we remembered that we all breathe the same air,
that we all walk the same earth,
that this is the world we’re leaving to our children,
and your children,
and their children -
and that maybe
if we cannot be good for and good to one another,
at least we can be good for, and good to,
the children.

All of our children.



Megan Minutillo

Essayist, poet, and theatre producer. I write stories about self-awareness, IVF, and finding your footing in life’s messy moments. Instagram: @meganminutillo.