Please Don’t Worry About Finding Love

A poem and a reminder

Megan Minutillo
2 min readJun 25, 2024
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Worry about knowing how to balance your checking account / how much you spend on weekly groceries / how much water you’re drinking daily / Worry about whether or not you’ve checked in with your mother / your father / your grandma / your Pop Pop / about whether or not their greeting card came in the mail / about where you want to take them for their birthday dinner / Worry about reading that novel that makes you believe in magic / about the trip to Paris that you’ve been dying to take / about how you’re going to fit in an afternoon run because running makes you feel like you’re part superhuman / Worry about what you want to do for work / if you like work / if you’re going to change what you do to make money / Worry about the time you’re spending on people who hurt your heart / or break your spirit / or fail to see the goodness in you / Before you start looking for love / or worrying about finding love / make sure you begin by loving yourself, too.

If you enjoyed this piece, check out my poetry book, “the poetry of things: poems for the tough & tender moments of life” — now available here at Bottlecap Press.



Megan Minutillo

Essayist, poet, and theatre producer. I write stories about self-awareness, IVF, and finding your footing in life’s messy moments. Instagram: @meganminutillo.