The Surprising Ways We’re Good To One Another

A poem and a growing list

Megan Minutillo
2 min readDec 6, 2022
Photo by Brett Wharton on Unsplash

The way we pick one another up from the airport, even in rush hour traffic — and manage to have hot food waiting when you arrive home. The times we tip the delivery food person a little extra — because we are finally able to; because it was rainy and gross when they helped bring food to your door. The way grocery stores put out food collection boxes during the Christmas and holiday season, and how they will silently get filled, without fanfare, just grace. The quiet ways we pray. The loud ways we laugh. The silly way we sing in the car like nobody’s watching — and giggle when we see someone else doing the same thing. The way we smile at other people’s children, the way we cherish our own. The way a doctor cries when they lose a patient, and the way a patient reminds them why they became doctors in the first place. The teachers who shape our lives for the better, and the students who will forever feel like our children. The stories we read that warm our hearts, and the ones we tell that ignite our imaginations. The songs we sing when words are not enough. The texts we send to remind someone that they are loved. That they are missed. That they are a wanted, welcoming presence in this world.



Megan Minutillo

Essayist, poet, and theatre producer. I write stories about self-awareness, IVF, and finding your footing in life’s messy moments. Instagram: @meganminutillo.