What To Write After A School Shooting

After Kate Baer

Megan Minutillo
1 min readSep 5, 2024


Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

When my son started to walk,
I naturally started shoe shopping.
I gushed over little rainboots.
Snow boots. Tiny flip-flops. Slippers.
I saw a pair of Spiderman sneakers that lit up
and was about to buy them until my sister
gently reminded me that he wouldn’t be allowed
to wear them at preschool. Confused,
I asked, Why? Her face softened. She
gently touched my hand — school officials advise
against it because it will
make it easier for the active shooters to see them.

We say we care about our children, and yet,
we make excuses for the murders
every time they happen.
When will we stop sacrificing our children
on the altar of firearm worship?
When there is bulletproof glass surrounding the playground?
When every child, teenager, and teacher wears a Kevlar vest?
When we have forgotten what it’s like to hear kids laugh?

Overhwlemed at where to start shifting the tide so that this madness stops? So that our kids are safe? So that no parent has to experience this nightmare ever again? Check out everytown.org.



Megan Minutillo

Essayist, poet, and theatre producer. I write stories about self-awareness, IVF, and finding your footing in life’s messy moments. Instagram: @meganminutillo.